Dear mama pizza
Dear mama pizza

"This is the time where I lie, but you'll still figure it out so you'll end up giving me a sermon, and then you'll ask me to go eat out, your treat." she said in one breathing "You didn't actually ate ramen the whole 3 weeks right?" "please don't tell me all you've ate while I was gone was ramen."Įmely is the most selfless person I know, She doesn't care about her self as long as the people around her are content and happy. "Mhmm I think I'll just heat up noodles" She replied blankly. "Are you cooking dinner?" I asked em while heading upstairs. Me and Em live on the same apartment, 2nd floor Door 64 and 65. We packed our groceries inside our trunks and headed our own ways. "Jewls you would know I'd rather buy formula than pay for my phone, It's already so hard to raise my self, adding another mouth to feed is just so draining." "Oh yeah, I would know if I payed for my phone bills" " You would know if you check your phone" "I didn't know you were back in town, why so early?" she asked while going through the frozen isle at walmart, frozen pizza section to be specific. We go through each other's problem and help each other out like it's our life line. I guess the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?Įmily and I have been through hell and up. Our mothers were best friends since they were in high school. "Emely!!" I hugged her so tight, I'm not too sure if she's still breathing. I don't even remember what happened after hearing my name being called out louder than an ambulance siren. I've been with Nathan since 7th grade, we're down to the last year of high school, but do you ever get the feeling where sometimes there's a time limit when it comes to high school relationship? cause I do, or at least the people at my school makes me feel like it. The everyday struggle of trying to make it through school without failing my mom's standards is hard enough, But having to figure out my future after high school on top of drama and pain is tougherīut Nathan makes it less exhausting, less painful. Days past me by hoping that someday I'll be with both of them in the same place without tears and sadness.

dear mama pizza dear mama pizza

My mom and my brother were my strong hold.

Dear mama pizza